About Great Games

Great Games create unique and memorable tabletop games for the whole family, with a focus on fun!

We disrupt the traditional publishing model by crowdfunding our games and allowing our amazing backers to help shape each of our products and be a part of the development process.

Our mission is to bring back family time at the table and all of our current products are crowd funded from an enthusiastic fan base.

  • 2018

    Sam Milham launches his first card game 'Fairy God Plumber' on Kickstarter and raises 530% with 286 backers

  • 2019

    Our second card game 'Spaceship Zoo' launches on Kickstarter and raises 300% with 377 backers

  • 2020

    Sam launches Great Games with two new card games 'Lost In Valhalla' 'Lost In Straya' 'Lost In Jurassica' and enters full time into the business creating new games on Kickstarter

  • 2021

    Great Games creates the first 'Vizzles Visual Puzzles' title and launches two new board games which were the biggest campaigns to date.

  • 2022

    Great Games launches 4 new projects including our first playing cards!

  • 2023

    Vizzles Visual Puzzles take off, rocketing to our best selling product. Great Games now moves into a tiny storage unit on the Gold Coast and fulfills Christmas rush orders for the first time. There was a shipping strike and delays - O...M...G we cut it close!

  • 2024

    Great Games attends their first Toy Fair in Melbourne and meet a lot of cool retailers! We also got our first distributor for Vizzles Visual Puzzles.

    We also move in to our second storage unit, then quickly upgrade to a 100sqft warehouse in Brisbane!

  • 2025

    We make our first hire and are excited to share our story with you!